Friday, November 19, 2010

The cost

Do small steps cost money?
Most small steps cost you time but not money but when you’re getting started:
You must invest in:
* Marketing materials
* Long-distance service
* 3way calling
* Attending major functions
* Self-development materials .... you absolutely must invest in yourself!

John Haremza I will see you at the TOP Nov 19

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Can you fail?

It is impossible to fail in network marketing as long as you talk to enough people, use your upline and follow a system.

John Haremza I will see you at the TOP Nov 17

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who can you become?

Don’t let who you have been interfere with who you can become!
My background as a child struggling with dyslexia and then maintenance manager (the best job I ever had) is not who I am today. My past did not determine my future.
The best way for you to change your future is to design it ... decide what you want ... write it down .... read it every day ..... take small steps everyday, everyday, everyday toward your ideal life.
John Haremza I will see you at the TOP Nov 16

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sorry about that!


Sorry, I’ve been out of touch for a few days. I do several Freedom Universities every year. Our focus is on the Freedom you can find in network marketing. Freedom may start with just a few extra hundred dollars a month but when people build their checks to $1000 and more a month the real Freedom and excitement kicks in.

We do have an incredible business.
John Haremza I will see you at the TOP Nov 15