Friday, July 16, 2010


Whenever I tell my story it is not meant to impress anyone with me and my accomplishments but to impress upon them that if I can do this business with my background, then they can do it with theirs.
True leaders don’t develop people’s belief in the leader; they develop a belief in the distributor, that they can do it.
John Haremza I will see you at the TOP .... July 16

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Impress them?

What would you like to accomplish in a Small Step to the TOP.
Let’s imagine that the step you’re taking today is to meet with a prospect. .
What do you want to impress them with?
How well you’ve done?
No, no, no. It’s ok to tell your story but you want to impress upon them that THEY can do this. THEY have the right combination of skills along with their up-line team to be successful and to live the life they’ve always dreamed of.
John Haremza I will see you at the TOP .... July 15

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's you

As a leader you must have the vision and conviction that your dream can be achieved only them can you inspire others to go after their vision. You must be their inspiration and their support.
John Haremza I will see you at the TOP .... July 13

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dream higher

Network marketing is all about dreaming and shooting higher. Don't try to be better someone else just try to be better than yourself.

John Haremza I will see you at the TOP .... July 12